Sunday, June 6, 2010

One Over-The-Top Carrot

Carrot Top (or Scott Thompson) is a well known comedian, well at least he was back in the 90's. He is first person I think of when it comes to plastic surgery, with Micheal Jackson a runner up.

In 1994 the image above was taken. He looks like the average joe. His look made him funny: a skinny white man with wild red hair and a funny stage presence.

Fast forward to this photo taken recently. Notice the difference? Plastic has transformed this funny man into a scary woman/man hybrid with huge muscles.

I'm all for plastic surgery, if you need it. My definition of need here is you must need the surgery to repair your body to a usable state. In other words, if your face was blown off somehow and you needed plastic surgery to look human again, you should.

However, if you want bigger breasts or want to pull your face back to look more like a manikin I think its wrong. You will end up having the face of a doll and a normal body. At some point the two will be so opposite in directions that it nullifies the surgery all together, you'd look worse.

Plastic surgery should be left to repairing patients in hospital, restoring skin to a burn victim or fixing a facial deformity such as cleft pallets to help a life be more normal.

If you want to keep looking young, eat right, do yoga and drink water.

I leave you with an image from the future. This is carrot top in the year 2025 (well, actually its from a great movie, but it's close.)